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FAQ's & Terms We Use

How much room does a 1/4 of beef take up in the freezer?

The rule of thumb is one cubic foot of freezer space for every 30 – 40 pounds of packaged meat. A quarter of beef will easily fit into a 5 -7 cubic foot chest freezer when empty.​  Please consider this will also vary a little bit with the freezer design. Required space also varies with the choice of cuts and packaged weights  of things like roasts as well.  


Considering purchasing beef in bulk? Here are some terms to familiarize your self with:

Live weight is how much the cow weighs when it's out in the pasture. This is not the weight you will be paying for.

Hanging weight is how much the cow's carcass weighs "on the hook" after it's been processed, skinned, the internal organs removed and the limbs removed but hasn't been de-boned fully.

Cut and wrapped is the actual meat you put in your freezer.

It makes sense to use hanging weight because that's how the butchers also charges the farmers. Their butchering fees are based on the hanging weight of the animal and thus making it easy for the farmer to price their meat accordingly per pound. 

Even though you're only paying $6.50/lb hanging weight, when it gets into cut and wrapped form, your actual cost is a little higher for the actual cut and wrapped meat that goes in your freezer because of the un-usable portion of the carcass.

Here is an example:

Our average 1/2 beef hanging weight is 360lbs (the weight you pay for).

Take away the cut-out waste estimated at around 15%-20% = Approximately 288-306lbs of cut and wrapped meat is what you receive.  
In a half beef order you can expect approximately:  

- 150lbs in Ground Beef (OR Hamburger Patties) /Stew beef
- 75lbs in Steaks 
- 75lbs in Roasts  

These ratios will change should you prefer to have more roasts vrs steaks or vice versa as well as possibly grinding less desirable roasts for extra ground beef. 

Each animal is different in size so please note this is an example and the weights on all orders are not the same. Hang weights for a 1/2 beef will range between 280lbs - 380lbs depending on the animal.

What is customizable in my bulk beef order?  

You can have your steaks cut at a preferred thickness and roasts sized to suit your needs. If you LOVE steak you may consider getting more of the premium cuts done into steaks instead of roasts. Or maybe your less of a grill enthusiast and love a great pot roast then you can also order more roasts then steaks when filling out your order form - the choice is totally yours. You can also substitute some of your ground beef for stewing beef or have it made into hamburger patties for added convenience

Why are cows different colours?

Like breeds of dogs there are also breeds of cattle. Each with their own distinct coat colours and patterns.  

What is halter breaking?

We often get the question: What is halter breaking? And why do we do it? Well it is simple. Halter breaking is like training your dog to walk on a leash. This type of training sticks with the animal for life. We do this for all of our replacement cattle ( heifers or bulls we raise) that will be staying within the herd for many years. This allows for a better working relationship and stress free handling throughout their life. So if they ever have to be contained, you can simply halter them and lead them to where they have to go rather than chase them or resorting to harsh measures. It also allows us to not have to always transport an animal which may require assistance, to a facility which can be stressful. We can simply halter the animal on their pasture and for the few moments needed to treat their ailment or help them with calving we can tie them long enough to help them and then release them back to the herd. We also do this for displaying our animals at local fairs, shows & events. We strive for longevity in our herd, in doing so some of these gals are with us 12-14+ years so its nice to get along! 


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